The Oxford dictionary defines branding as ‘the activity of giving a particular name and image to goods and services so that people will be attracted to them and want to buy them’.
Branding is often seen just as a visual identity, a company’s name, logo, packaging design etc, and whilst this is true, and these are the things customers will recognise a brand for, it’s so much more than that! Your branding is your ethos, your personality, your USP, the thing that makes you stand apart from other similar businesses, or similar products.
When I begin working on a logo or branding project with a customer I ask for information about their business, about their company values, what the company name means to them or why they chose it, how they wish their company to be perceived, and anything else they can tell me about their business. I visit their website and social media accounts to get a feel for their business. This helps me to design a visual representation of their brand that’s inline with what they stand for.
Branding can change how people perceive your business, it can bring in new customers and a larger audience, but it can also do the opposite if it isn’t inline with what you want to represent.